
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2018

The Role of Baked Egg and Milk in the Diets of Allergic Children. Fecha: Lunes 1 de octubre de 2018

The Role of Baked Egg and Milk in the Diets of Allergic Children Authors:  Robinson ML , Department of Pediatrics, National Jewish Health, 1400 Jackson Street, K830, Denver, CO 80206, USA; Department of Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO, USA. Electronic address: Robinsonm2@njhealth.org. Lanser BJ , Department of Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO, USA; Department of Pediatrics, Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, National Jewish Health, 1400 Jackson Street, J322, Denver, CO 80206, USA. Abstract:  Baked   egg  and  baked   milk  are tolerated by most  children  who are  allergic  to hen's  egg  and cow's  milk . Incorporating  baked  goods into the  diets  of  allergic   children  may help them outgrow their primary allergy more quickly, with changes observed akin to immunotherapy. Benefits ...

Anafilaxia por Clorhexidina en un contexto perioperatorio: diagnóstico y manejo.

Anafilaxia por Clorhexidina en un contexto perioperatorio: diagnóstico y manejo. Ana María Calle-Álvarez, Liliana Maria Guevara-Saldaña, Ricardo Cardona-Villa Resumen Presentamos el caso clínico de un hombre de 53 años con una reacción de hipersensibilidad perioperatoria. Durante el período de recuperación de cirugía  de artroscopia de rodilla, realizada bajo anestesia general, el paciente presenta sensación de disnea y lesiones urticariformes generalizadas, durante la administración endovenosa de ketorolaco, por lo cual suspenden el medicamento e inician tratamiento con glucocorticoide, oxígeno y adrenalina, remiten a alergología con impresión diagnóstica de anafilaxia por ketorolaco. Durante la evaluación ambulatoria por alergología el paciente reporta tolerancia previa de múltiples anti-inflamatorios no esteroideos (AINEs), además de episodio previo de urticaria generalizada con la aplicación tópica de clorhexidina usada para infección de tejidos blandos. Se sospecha d...

Banco de diapositivas

Utilidad clínica de aplicaciones móviles en alergología Dr. Ricardo Cardona (Septiembre de 2018)

Systemic Contact Dermatitis. Fecha: Viernes 28 de septiembre de 2018

Systemic Contact Dermatitis. Authors: Aquino M , SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, USA. marcella.aquino@nyulangone.org. Division of Rheumatology, Allergy & Immunology, NYU Winthrop University Hospital, 120 Mineola Blvd , Suite 410, Mineola, NY, 11501, USA. marcella.aquino@nyulangone.org. Rosner G ,  Division of Rheumatology, Allergy & Immunology, NYU Winthrop University Hospital, 120 Mineola Blvd, Suite 410, Mineola, NY, 11501, USA. Abstract:  Systemic contact dermatitis (SCD) traditionally refers to a skin condition where an individual who is cutaneously sensitized to an allergen will subsequently react to that same allergen or a cross reacting allergen via a different route. It occurs to allergens including metals, medications, and foods. The exact pathophysiology underlying this disease remains unknown, although it appears to be mediated by type 4 hypersensitivity reactions and possibly type 3 hypersensitivity reactions. The p-I concept (pharmacol...

Contact Dermatitis in Atopic Dermatitis Children-Past, Present, and Future. Fecha: Miércoles 26 de septiembre de 2018

Contact Dermatitis in Atopic Dermatitis Children-Past, Present, and Future. Authors:   Borok J , The Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY, 10029, USA. Matiz C, Southern California Permanente Medical Group, San Diego, CA, 91367, USA. Goldenberg A , Department of Dermatology, University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA, 92122, USA. Jacob SE , Department of Dermatology, Loma Linda University, Anderson Street, Suite 2600, Loma Linda, CA, 92354, USA Abstract:  Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) used to be considered a rarity in children, but recently has been estimated to effect 4.4 million children in the USA alone, with a notable rise in investigative research in the field of pediatric ACD. Researchers have shown that patch testing is safe and effective in afflicted children and that those with atopic dermatitis (AD) have similar sensitization rates, although they have a higher sensitization to certain allergens, thought to be related to the i...

Association between allergic and nonallergic rhinitis and obstructive sleep apnea. Fecha: Martes 25 de septiembre de 2018

Association between allergic and nonallergic rhinitis and obstructive sleep apnea. Authors:   Zheng M , Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Beijing TongRen Hospital, Capital Medical University. Beijing Key Laboratory of Nasal diseases, Beijing Institute of Otolaryngology. Wang X , Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Beijing TongRen Hospital, Capital Medical University. Beijing Key Laboratory of Nasal diseases, Beijing Institute of Otolaryngology. Zhang L , Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Beijing TongRen Hospital, Capital Medical University. Beijing Key Laboratory of Nasal diseases, Beijing Institute of Otolaryngology. Department of Allergy, Beijing TongRen Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China. Abstract:  PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Allergic rhinitis and nonallergic rhinitis (NAR) are common disorders, which have been considered as potential risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This revie...

Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome in children: what's known? What's new?. Fecha: Lunes 24 de septiembre de 2018

Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome in children: what's known? What's new? Authors:  M.i. Petrosino, a. scaParrotta, P. Di FiliPPo, M. attanasi, s. Di Pillo, F. chiarelli, a. Mohn.  Department of Pediatrics, G. D’Annunzio University, Chieti, Italy Key. Abstract:   Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) is an under-recognized and frequently misdiagnosed non-IgE mediated food allergy syndrome. Affected infants show gastrointestinal symptoms few hours after ingestion of the incriminating food. Pathophysiology of FPIES has not yet been clearly defined and needs further characterization. The common allergy tests are not helpful for this disorder and tests for food specific IgE are usually negative. A diagnostic oral food challenge (OFC) is the method to confirm the diagnosis of FPIES. This review summarizes what is known about epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical characteristics and diagnosis and what's new about therapeutic options of FPIE...

Banco de diapositivas

Dermatitis de contacto (20 de septiembre de 2018) Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LragCcsr-MY&index=29&list=PLWutZMaMUREeyppOkA_BSZWFI5rlEgM8e

Hipersensibilidad a Betalactámicos. Dra Yurlany Gutiérrez (20 de septiembre 2018)

Hipersensibilidad a Betalactámicos.  Dra Yurlany Gutiérrez (20 de septiembre 2018)

EAACI position paper on how to classify cutaneous manifestations of drug hypersensitivity. Fecha: Viernes 21 de septiembre de 2018 a las 7 am.

EAACI position paper on how to classify cutaneous manifestations of drug hypersensitivity. Authors:  Brockow K 1, Ardern-Jones M 2,3, Mockenhaupt M 4, Aberer W 5, Barbaud A 6, Caubet JC 7, Spiewak R 8, Torres M 9, Mortz CG 10. Author information:  1 Department of Dermatology und Allergology Biederstein, Division Environmental Dermatology and Allergology Helmholtz Zentrum München/TUM, Technical University Munich, Munich, Germany. 2 Department of Dermatology, Southampton General Hospital, University Hospitals Southampton NHS Foundation Trust Southampton, United Kingdom. 3 Dermatoimmunology, Sir Henry Wellcome Laboratories, Clinical, Experimental Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom. 4 Dept. of Dermatology, Medical Center and Medical Faculty, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany. 5 Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Graz, Austria. 6 Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Sorbonne Universities...

Información para pacientes

La Dra. Susana Diez, integrante del GACE, se dirige a la comunidad general explicando aspectos importantes de la enfermedad alérgica que son de interés para los pacientes y sus familias. 

Prevalence of drugs as triggers of exacerbations in chronic urticaria

Prevalence of drugs as triggers of exacerbations in chronic urticaria J. Sánchez Jorge 1,2 , A. Sánchez 1,2,3 , R. Cardona 1,2 1. Group of Clinical and Experimental Allergy. IPS Universitaria, University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia. 2. Foundation for the Development of Medical and Biological Sciences (FUNDEMEB), Cartagena, Colombia. 3. Faculty of Medicine, Corporation University Rafael Nunez, Cartagena, Colombia.  ABSTRACT 3  Background : Many patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) identify different drugs as triggers of their symptoms and often make restrictions without enough information. Objective: To estimate the clinical impact of the drugs most frequently reported as suspects of CSU exacerbations by patients. Methodology : All subjects were questioned about their clinical history of urticaria and drug reactions. Drug challenge tests were performed on each patient with th...

Dietary Habits in Patients with Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria: Evaluation of Food as Trigger of Symptoms Exacerbation

Dietary Habits in Patients with Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria: Evaluation of Food as Trigger of Symptoms Exacerbation J. Sánchez, 1,2 A. Sánchez, 1,2,3 and R. Cardona 1,2 1 Group of Clinical and Experimental Allergy, IPS Universitaria, University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia 2 Foundation for the Development of Medical and Biological Sciences (FUNDEMEB), Cartagena, Colombia 3 Faculty of Medicine, Corporation University Rafael Nunez, Cartagena, Colombia Abstract Background . Many patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) identify different foods as triggers of their symptoms and frequently make dietary restrictions without enough information.   Objective . To explore the diet habits of CSU patients and estimate the clinical impact of the foods most frequently reported to be suspect. Methodology . Patients were interrogated about their clinical history of urticaria. Skin prick test and sIgE serum were done for most frequently reported food...

JORNADA ACADÉMICA. Fecha: Jueves 20 de septiembre de 2018

Allergic Contact Dermatitis. Authors:  Kostner L 1, Anzengruber F 1, Guillod C 1, Recher M 2, Schmid-Grendelmeier P 1, Navarini AA 3. Author information: 1 Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Zurich, Gloriastrasse 31, 8091, Zurich, Switzerland. 2 Immunodeficiency Clinic, Medical Outpatient Unit and Immunodeficiency Lab, Department Biomedicine, University Hospital, Petersgraben 4, 4031, Basel, Switzerland. 3 Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Zurich, Gloriastrasse 31, 8091, Zurich, Switzerland. Electronic address: alexander.navarini@usz.ch. Abstract:  Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is a common skin disease caused by a T cell-mediated immune reaction to usually innocuous allergens. ACD can have grave medical and socioeconomic consequences. ACD and irritant contact dermatitis often occur together. A detailed history and clinical examination are crucial and guide patch testing, which is the gold standard to diagnose ACD. T-cell clones per...

Management of Pediatric Urticaria with Review of the Literature on Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria in Children. Fecha: Miércoles 19 de septiembre de 2018 a las 7 am.

Management of Pediatric Urticaria with Review of the Literature on Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria in Children Authors: Moshe Ben-Shoshan, MD, MSc , Division of Allergy Immunology and Dermatology, Montreal Children’s Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Clive E. Grattan, MD, MA, FRCP , St John’s Institute of Dermatology, Guy’s Hospital, London, United Kingdom. Abstract:  There are substantial knowledge gaps related to diagnosis and management of pediatric cases of chronic urticaria, and in particular chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU). In this article we aimed to review the diagnosis and management of chronic urticaria in children and CSU in particular. We conducted a systematic review of articles published in English and French on pediatric CSU management in the last 10 years. We included experimental studies (eg, randomized controlled trials), other experimental designs (eg, nonrandomized methods of assignment, controlled before-after studies, and interrupte...

Diagnosis, Course, and Management of Angioedema in Patients With Acquired C1-Inhibitor Deficiency

                                 (J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2017)                                DOI:  10.1016/j.jaip.2016.12.032 BACKGROUND: Acquired angioedema due to C1-inhibitor  defi ciency (C1-INH-AAE) is a rare disease with no prevalence  data or approved therapies. OBJECTIVE: To report data on patients with C1-INH-AAE  followed at Angioedema Center, Milan (from 1976 to 2015). METHODS: Diagnostic criteria included history of recurrent  angioedema without wheals; decreased C1-INH antigen levels  and/or functional activity of C1-INH and C4 antigen less than  50% of normal; late symptom onset ( > 40 years); no family  history of angioedema and C1-INH de fi ciency. RESULTS: In total, 77 patients (58% females; median age, 70  years) were diagnosed...

Diagnosis and Management of NSAID-Exacerbated Respiratory Disease (N-ERD) - a EAACI position paper. Martes 18 de septiembre de 2018 a las 7 am.

Diagnosis and Management of NSAID-Exacerbated Respiratory Disease (N-ERD) - a EAACI position paper. Authors: Kowalski ML 1, Agache I 2, Bavbek S 3, Bakirtas A 4, Blanca M 5, Bochenek G 6, Bonini M 7, Heffler E 8, Klimek L 9, Laidlaw TM 10, Mullol J 11, Niżankowska-Mogilnicka E 6, Park HS 12, Sanak M 13, Borges MS 14, Sanchez-Garcia S 15, Scadding G 16, Taniguchi M 17, Torres MJ 18, White AA 19, Wardzyńska A 1. Author information:  1 Department of Immunology and Allergy, Medical University, Lodz, Poland. 2 Transylvania University, Medical School Brasov, Romania. 3 Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Chest Diseases, Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Ankara, Turkey. 4 Department Pediatric Allergy and Asthma, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Turkey. 5 Allergy Service Hospital Infanta Leonor, Madrid, Spain. 6 Department of Internal Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland. 7 National Heart and Lung Institute, Royal Br...

The Role of Dust Mites in Allergy

The Role of Dust Mites in Allergy J ffrey D. Miller 1,2 1 2  Jeffrey D. Miller JeffreyMillerMD@comcast.net New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY, USA Mission: Allergy, Inc, 28 Hawleyville Rd, Hawleyville, CT 06440, USA Abstract House dust mites are an unsurpassed cause of atopic sensitization and allergic illness throughout the world. The major allergenic dust mites Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus , Dermatophagoides farinae , Euroglyphus maynei , and Blomia tropicalis are eight- legged members of the Arachnid class. Their approximately 3-month lifespan comprises egg, larval, protonymph, tritonymph, and adult stages, with adults, about one fourth to one third of a millimeter in size, being at the threshold of visibility. The geographic and seasonal distributions of dust mites are determined by their need for adequate humidity, while their distribution within substrates is fu...

Gluten sensitivities and the allergist: Threshing the grain from the husks. Fecha: Lunes 17 de septiembre de 2018 a las 7 am

Gluten sensitivities and the allergist: Threshing the grain from the husks. Authors: J. G. Burkhardt , Allergy & Immunology Section, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, LA, USA. A. Chapa-Rodriguez , Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition Section, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, LA, USA. S. L. Bahna , Allergy & Immunology Section, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, LA, USA. Abstract:  “Gluten sensitivity” has become commonplace among the public. Wheat allergy (WA) and celiac disease (CD) are well-defined entities, but are becoming a fraction of individuals following a gluten free diet (GFD). Wheat allergy has a prevalence of <0.5%. Wheat, specifically its omega-5 gliadin fraction, is the most common allergen implicated in food-dependent, exercise-induced anaphylaxis. CD is a non-IgE hypersensitivity to certain cereal proteins: gluten in wheat, secalin in rye, h...

Update on Omalizumab for Urticaria: What’s New in the Literature from Mechanisms to Clinic

Update on Omalizumab for Urticaria: What’s New in the Literature from Mechanisms to Clinic Désirée E. S. Larenas-Linnemann 1 & Claudio A. S. Parisi 2 & Carla Ritchie 3 & Ricardo Cardona-Villa 4 & Ivan Cherrez-Ojeda 5 & Annia Cherrez 6,7 & Luis Felipe Ensina 8 & Elizabeth Garcia 9 & Iris V. Medina 10 & Mónica Rodríguez-González 11 & Jorge Mario Sánchez Caraballo 4 Abstract  Purpose of Review Since omalizumab has been approved for urticaria, numerous randomized and real-life observational trials have been published. We reviewed the period January 2017–February 2018. Recent Findings Omalizumab is effective for the control of urticaria recalcitrant to antihistamines in different populations globally. The ratio of total serum IgE 4-week/baseline ≥2 can predict response with a high likelihood. In observational real-life trials, doses have been adjusted on an individual basis: in some populations, up to two-thirds of the patients can ...


    La deficiencia adquirida del C1inhibidor debe considerarse cuando los pacientes presenten angioedema aislado sin urticaria, después de la 4 década de la vida y sin antecedentes familiares.    Una deficiencia de C1 inhibidor cuantitativa o funcional con historia familiar negativa y presencia de C1q bajo tiene una alta probabilidad para realizarse diagnostico de Angioedema con deficiencia de C1inhibidor adquirida.      Todos los pacientes con diagnóstico de Angioedema c1inhibidor adquirido deben ser evaluados para descartar trastornos linfoproliferativos de células B en el momento del diagnóstico, de no encontrarse alteración debe realizarse evaluación anual con: Hemograma,  Radiografia de Tórax, Ecografia abdominal y Electroforesis de Proteínas.      El tratamiento se centra en el control de los síntomas con terapias que regulan la actividad de bradiquinina y de cualquier condición subyacente. ...