Do we still need oral food challenges for the diagnosis of food allergy?. Fecha: Lunes 12 de noviembre de 2018
Do we still need oral food challenges for the diagnosis of food allergy?
Philippe A. Eigenmann, Department of Child and Adolescent, Pediatric Allergy Unit, University Hospitals of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.
Food challenges are standard in the diagnosis in patients suspected of being allergic to food. However, their role is regularly questioned due to the time required to perform them, and to their cost and the inherent risk of severe reactions. Food challenges have been challenged by recent advances defining threshold values for food- specific IgE helping to predict the probability of having symptoms to the suspected food. Also, identification of major allergens to various highly allergenic foods such as peanuts or tree nuts has contributed to an increased accuracy of IgE testing. Altogether, these new data have contributed to a better definition of the role of oral food challenges in the diagnosis of food allergy. Oral food challenges are not outdated and remain the gold standard in the diagnosis of food allergy.
DOI: 10.1111/pai.12845
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