Preguntas comunes en alergias. Enfoque práctico para el diagnóstico y manejo en atención primaria
Common questions about allergy. Practical approach to
diagnosis and management in primary care
Jorge Sánchez,1 Andrés Sánchez,1 Ricardo Cardona1
1Universidad de Antioquia, Grupo de Alergología Clínica y
Experimental, Medellín, Colombia
Allergic diseases are disorders with different clinical manifestations that are present in 20 to 40%
of the general population. Since they share a common mechanism, several processes of this type
often occur in the same individual, thus generating numerous symptoms and important economic
costs for patients and their families. Currently, medical management of these diseases is focused
on three main aspects: to identify and avoid the causative agent, acute symptoms’ control through
pharmacological treatment and generation of tolerance with immunomodulation or desensitization.
However, owing to the different underlying mechanisms, different diagnostic approaches are
necessary, which can become a real challenge for the treating physician. In addition, sometimes
patients undergo different restrictions and unnecessary treatments, thus limiting their daily
activities, modifying their diet and directly affecting their quality of life. A review is made, aimed at
answering different concerns arising from daily patient consultation.
Keywords: Asthma; Allergy; Atopy; Immunoglobulin; Pets; Rhinitis; Sensitization
Este artículo debe citarse como: Sánchez J, Sánchez A, Cardona R. Preguntas comunes en alergias. Enfoque
práctico para el diagnóstico y manejo en atención primaria. Rev Alerg Mex. 2018;65(3):117-127
Jorge Sánchez, 0000-0001-6341-783X; Andrés Sánchez, 0000-0001-7460-3427; Ricardo Cardona, 0000-0002-7428-2413
Jorge Sánchez, 0000-0001-6341-783X; Andrés Sánchez, 0000-0001-7460-3427; Ricardo Cardona, 0000-0002-7428-2413
Texto completo: DOI: 10.29262/ram.v65i3.309
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