COVID-19: Pandemic Contingency Planning for the Allergy and Immunology Clinic Authors: Marcus S. Shaker, MD, MSca,b, John Oppenheimer, MDc, Mitchell Grayson, MDd, David Stukus, MDd, Nicholas Hartog, MDe, Elena W.Y. Hsieh, MDf, Nicholas Rider, DOg, Cullen M. Dutmer, MDf, Timothy K. Vander Leek, MDh, Harold Kim, MDi, Edmond S. Chan, MDj, Doug Mack, MDk,l, Anne K. Ellis, MDm, David Lang, MDn, Jay Lieberman, MDo, David Fleischer, MDf, David B.K. Golden, MDp, Dana Wallace, MDq, Jay Portnoy, MDr, Giselle Mosnaim, MD, MScs, Matthew Greenhawt, MD, MBA, MScf,∗,'Correspondence information about the author MD, MBA, MSc Matthew GreenhawtEmail the author MD, MBA, MSc Matthew Greenhawt Abstract In the event of a global infectious pandemic, drastic measures may be needed that limit or require adjustment of ambulatory allergy services. However, no rationale for how to prioritize service shut down and patient care exists. A consensus-based ad-hoc expert panel of allergy/immunology special...